Dear NCLS parents:
Despite the changing weather with rain and shine, our teachers and students have been persistently enthusiastic on their Chinese School work. All of our《中文》 classes and some of the 《马立平教材》classes are having their final exams this week. Let’s wish them a successful and rewarding experience on Sunday!
We have the following notes for you here-
Registration reminder
Please make sure to pay off the tuition/fee balance in your account by 6/23 to waive the registration fee. Please take advantage of the secured online payment feature embeded in your account.
少儿民族舞蹈班汇报演出 Children’s Chinese Folk Dance class year-end performances 4:15-5:15pm
Students in the Children’s Chinese Folk Dance class, led by 黄语红老师, have had many achievements this year; they have won the second prize in The Sixth New England Chinese Dance Competition, and they have been invited to perform at several local events and functions. The class is conducting their year-end performance on Sunday in the auditorium at 4:15pm. All are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful dances!
黄语红舞蹈班将于06-16-2013 4:15PM – 5:15PM 在中文学校二楼礼堂举行学期末汇报演出。由于本学期教学内容更加多元化,激发了孩子们的学习兴趣,极大地提高了表演水平。本次演出有民族舞,拉丁舞,还有孩子们的即兴表演。内容丰富多彩,敬请大家届时光临。节目单如下:
1. 蒙古舞 《草原飞马》 2. 朝鲜舞《赤诚花》 3. 歌舞 《云》
4. 扬琴二重奏 《梁山伯与祝英台》 5. 傣族舞 《美丽的金孔雀》
6. 中班拉丁舞 7. 大班拉丁舞 8. 独唱 《红心照我去战斗》
9. 即兴表演《欢乐地跳吧》
NCLS 2013 Support China Education Students Team presentation
The 2013 Support China Education students team will share their rewarding experience with the NCLS community. Please join them on Sunday at 3:40pm in Room 319.
由于董事会成员的变动,董事会决定从即日起到2013年6月30日开始接受2013-2015 学年董事会董事的申请。
牛顿中文学校校章规定学校实行董事会董事两年为一任期,连任期限最多为六年的制度。今年部分董事会成员将于本董事会年度结束时(7月31日)完成任期。这些位置都将公开招聘,到任两年但不满六年的董事会成员有资格申请连任。本着公正、透明、及人均享有为学校服务的权利和义务的原则,董事会在此通告全校家长、职教人员,并真诚希望有意为学校服务的人士提出加入董事会的申请,并将与申请连任的董事会成员公平竞争。新选出的董事会成员将成为牛顿中文学校2013–2015 年度的董事会董事。
有关申请事宜及问题请与董事会联系 – Email: 或与任何一位董事会成员联系(联系方式请查询:。)申请人应提交书面申请书及个人简历。申请截止日期为2013年6月30日。
牛顿中文学校是一个非盈利性的社区文化教育机构,其宗旨是为大波士顿地区的华人子女和对中国语言文化有兴趣的人士提供学习汉语和中国文化的机会与环境。牛顿中文学校建校50多年来,依靠全校教职员工及家长的团结合作和奉献精神,取得了优异成绩。为了学校更好的未来,董事会呼吁更多的家长、教师来积极参与学校的管理, 热情支持学校的工作。大家同心同德,齐心协力,为了我们自己,更为了我们的下一代,办好我们自己的中文学校。
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Nan and Guangsong
NCLS Principals 2012-2013