NCLS Weekly Newsletter on 26-Apr-2013

Dear NCLS Parents:

Welcome back to school. Although we haven’t had school for two weeks, the NCLS families have been calling or sending emails to each other to communicate their thoughts and care during the trauma of violence. These days have reminded us the important bonds of community and friendship that we share at NCLS. Thank you for your efforts every day to contribute in a positive way to NCLS. 

We have learned that the information sessions being offered by the Justice Resource Institute Trauma Center for adults to learn more about trauma responses to the Marathon bombings in oneself, family members, children or friends. The details can be found on the website-

Here are some notes for you this week:

NCLS Math Competition 3:40-5:00pm

 我校数学竞赛定于四月二十八日3:40pm到5:00pm在学校举行。这次比赛,所有我校数学课的学生将自动参加,在学生所在的数学课上进行考试。此外还有46名没有注册数学课但是想参加数学竞赛的学生报名比赛,他们将分别在209,309, 313 和320教室参加考试,具体教室安排将分别Email给这些同学和家长。

The NCLS NewtonSERVES project starts at 1pm in school

 The project is led by the NCLS Board and is supported by PCC, Admin and the Support China Education Group. You are welcome to participate by joining the crew at 1pm in school.  They will work on some in-school tasks for Day School, such as raking the leaves in the yard and painting some interior walls. Community Service Hours will be granted to the student participants.

The April School Journal is online

This is a special edition for the Support China Education Group to share the project history, the mission, and their stories over the years.

The 2013 Support China Education Team Mission Accomplished

You may find their journals in the blog

In-school seminar

Topic: What is Senior Care Option and Its Positioning in Today’s Health Care
Speaker: Linda Lin
Time:  3:30 pm — 5:00 pm
Room 319

Thank you. Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Nan and Guangsong

NCLS Principals 2012-2013

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