Welcome to school, NCLS Families!
We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday as we begin another exciting school year. School opens to families at 1:45pm this Sunday; here we would like to provide you some helpful information for the first day of the school:
Traffic and parking regulations
- Due to the ongoing school renovation, the parking space around the building is very limited, so please do NOT drive into Minot Place without a parking permit.
- There will be PCC parents on duty guarding and monitoring the entrance to Minot Place from 1:30 – 5:30 to reinforce the above procedures. For you and your family’s safety, please follow the direction to enter the building.
- Please do not drop-off or pick-up students on Walnut Street at the entrance to Minot Place.
- The designated drop-off and pick-up area will be the Albermarle Road parking area behind the school field. Students and parents can walk across the field to the school. Please refer to the information on our web site for the parking places http://newtonchineseschool.org/direction.php
Registration, Tuition Payment and Textbook Pick-up
- If you have already registered and paid your tuition, the textbook will be sent directly to classroom for distribution; otherwise please come to the library on the 2nd floor
- You can expect a long waiting line, so please be patient. The school administration will try our best to speed up the process. At the same time, you can help out by printing out your registration confirmation page (if you have registered online) and writing your family ID on the payment check
Have a safe and smooth first day at NCLS!
Nan and Guangsong
1. 牛顿牛顿中文学校首届“星光”杯作文大赛
一、比赛时间: 从2012年6月16日起至9月29日。
二、比赛对象: 牛顿中文学校1-10年级学生。比赛分成三组:儿童组(6至8岁)、少儿组(9至11岁)以及少年组(12至14 岁)。
三、比赛方法: 比赛的作文命题分别是“我最尊敬的人”、“我的暑假生活”和“我爱我家”。参赛者可任选一题写一篇叙述文,儿童组200字;少儿组300字;少年组 400字。
四、投稿方式: 请以电子邮件(纯文本格式)发送文稿至校刊主编信箱: editor@newtonchineseschool.org;纸质来稿(手写或者打印)请联系校刊主任:唐微, smilingtang@gamil.com, 617-935-3689。请在邮件“主题”栏注明“作文大赛”字样,并在文末提供作者本人姓名,班级和联系方式。
五、评奖方式: 我们将组织本校资深老师和校有关行政人员组成评审委员会,本着公开、公平、公正的原则评选出优秀和获奖作品。 儿童组,少儿组以及少年组各设一等奖一名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖若干名,学校将发给奖状和一定的物质奖品,予以表彰和鼓励!。
附注: 有关美东地区第一届少年儿童中文写作大赛请参看附录或者校刊《小蜜蜂》2012-6期。
来美三年以上,年龄在6至14岁的中文学校学生或中文自学者均可参加比赛。大赛分为儿童组(6至8岁)、少儿组(9至11岁)、少年组(12至14岁)。比赛的作文命题分别是“我最尊敬的人”、“我的暑假生活”、“我爱我家”,参赛者可任选一题写一篇叙述文,儿童组200字;少儿组300字;少年组400字。电脑打字或手写汉字,简体、繁体均可。稿纸规格请统一使用Letter Size, 手写汉字文稿适当加分。
有关本届大赛详情参阅本报 版广告或登录《侨报》网站(http://ny.usqiaobao.com/)查询。《侨报》联系电话:212-683-8282 分机215或206
Dr. Xing Fan from Starlident Newton Dental Office (牛顿星光牙科诊所) is pleased to announce the opening of her dental office and welcome new patients. The office is conveniently located at 517 Washington St. Newton MA, just 5 minutes away from our Chinese School. Her dental office offers procedures that cover all types of adults and children’s general dental treatments and cosmetic dentistry. The office accepts major dental insurances.
The office currently opens on Thursday and Saturday from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Early morning and evening hours, as well as Sunday afternoon during Chinese school hours are also available by appointment. Please call 617-340-9178 to schedule your appointment and visit http://www.starlident.com for details and new patient promotions
2. 李帆学生钢琴音乐会
地点:Fine Art Center, Regis College,235 Wellesley St., Weston, MA 02493
A Romantic Night of Piano
Performed by Li Fan’s Students: Sara Wang (16), Jackie Bonasia (16), Eugenia Zeng (17) and Sophie Zhao (16)
Free admission, free parking
7pm, Sept. 8, 2012, Saturday
at Fine Art Center, Regis College
235 Wellesley St., Weston, MA 02493.
Details can be found in the poster at this link: http://www.yhpa.org.