NCLS Weekly Newsletter 5/17/2012

Dear Parents:

Hope your week has been going very well. We are looking forward to seeing you and all of our students on Sunday.

Below are a few notes for you:

1. Final exam review materials are online now

The final reviews have been uploaded online. NLCS copiers are very busy to handle all the printing for these material. Please print the related paper for your child(ren) and let them bring it to their language classes.年春季一年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季二年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季三年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季四年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季五年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季六年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季七年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季八年级期末考试复习题.pdf年春季九年级期末考试复习题.pdf牛顿中文学校十年级期末论文.pdf

2. 牛顿中文学校 「学前班儿歌」表演会

王 瑞云老师 and her team of all Kindergarten grade teachers have been working very hard on organizing their students’ activity for this Sunday. Their effort and dedication are highly appreciated by the school, the parents and the students. Here is their program list:


时间:2:00 -3:30 pm       



  一, 学前丙班全体同学   李剑文老师

1. 小小鸭子        4. 小星星
2. 手指数字        5. 数字儿歌
3. 小小鸟            6. 再见歌

  二, 学前甲班 2   牛佳惠 陈晓伟 邓天博 许可馨

1. 红花白花都美丽
2. 画苹果
3. 两只老虎
4. 小老鼠

  三, 学前甲班 2    阮天妮  林渝中  戴子尧  陆林 倪艾蓓

1. 剪刀、石头、布
2. 我是一个太空人
3. 这是我身体
4. 我有一个布娃娃

  四, 学前甲班 2    朱思承  丘弘博  丘弘俊 戴睿安 岳榕辰

1. 十个红苹果
2. 画香蕉
3. 我的朋友在哪里?
4.  一个头儿动一动

  五, 学前甲班 2    陈宇汉 马本本 司徒浩权 静珠珠

1. 两只老虎
2. 小白兔

  六, 学前甲班 2    金璞

1. 静夜思 2. 明日复明日

 七, 学前乙班全体同学  任基安老师

1. 大熊猫
2. 手
3. 谁爱吃水果

  八, 学前丁班全体同学   陈丽嘉老师

1. 课堂纪律
2. 四季
3. 上中下
4. 十二个月

  九, 学前甲班 1      陈高明  张銅 小原弘思 刘嘉瑞 原泉

1. 谁爱吃水果
2. 我是一个太空人
3. 纸飞机
4. 这是我身体

  十, 学前甲班 1      李闻笛 黄天怡 林嘉恩 李保菁

1. 快乐的家
2. 画画
3. 我有一双小小手
4. 我爱你们

  十一, 学前甲班 2    杨明涵 王凱彬 王颂讳 蔡成松

1. 布娃娃            斉汉辕
2., 大象
3. 小猴子

   十二, 学前甲班 1    陈宁利 张安娜 郭羽恬 张怡然

1. 新年到
2. 春夏秋冬
3. 鱼儿水中游
4. 数字儿歌

 3. NCLS Art  Exhibition

Time: 1:50 pm to 5 pm

Where: Cafeteria

Participants: All students from NCLS art classes

Please take this opportunity to see the art works of our students from NCLS art classes

4. Seminar

Topic:          Legal Issues facing Entrepreneurs
Speakers:    Tim Cutler, Principal
Connie Dai, Attorney
Time:         3:40pm–5:00pm
Room:        319
Seminar subject: Legal Issues facing Entrepreneurs

Topics include: Choosing the right legal entity, Management issues, Fiduciary duties, Contracts, Non-disclosure Agreement, Employment agreement, Non-compete, wrongful termination, employee v. independent contractor, severance, equity v. bonus

Who should attend: Entrepreneurs/business owners/business managers, people who think about starting a business, employees and independent contractors

About the law firm: Boston downtown based CUTLER P.C. specializes in commercial, employment, and immigration law, representing national and international companies and individuals in litigation and transactional matters.  We also represent Chinese companies in corporate matters, commercial litigation and contract disputes in the U.S.  Attorney Cutler has practiced for 24 years in California and Massachusetts, has chaired 30 trials in 4 states and overseen litigation in 8 other states.  Attorney Connie Dai worked on international transactions with a top 20 law firm’s Shanghai office, assisted a Massachusetts Supreme Court judge with civil cases, and handled corporate law with the largest French engineering consulting company.


Thank you.

NCLS Admin.

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