Dear NCLS Parents,
Hope you and your family have been enjoying the spring break and the warm weather! Our school resumes on this Sunday. Welcome back!
We have a few notes that need your attention:
1. Check the kids’ homework at home
We have heard from teachers, especially teachers in higher grades, that the students tend to become busier with activities in the spring and start missing homework assignments here and there. Please remind our students on their Chinese homework and help them finishing it at home.
2. Parking in Day School’s parking lot
Please be mindful and do not park your car in Day School’s parking lot during our school time on Sunday. The parking spots are reserved for teachers and staffs to ensure the smooth operation of the school. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
3. 我校学生在新英格兰中文学校协会举办的演讲比赛中取得了好成绩:
Congratulations to the winners and all students attended the competition!
4. The April school journal has been posted online; please enjoy!
Look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
NCLS Admin.
我们准备在四月二十二,二十九,五月六日,和五月十三日下午两点至三点半在牛顿中文学校图书馆设点直接解答有关的问题。 同时也非常欢迎直接听到您的意见和建议。