Weekly News Letter 12/08/2011

 Dear NCLS Parents:

        Thanks to the cooperation of all NCLS teachers, parents and students, thanks to the help from members of Board and PCC and parent volunteers, we have had a very successful fire drill this past Sunday. All people in the building were evacuated within five minutes after the alarm was sounded. All our students left the building in an orderly manner and stayed with their teachers. Good job!

        The classrooms have been kept in much better shape last Sunday. Your attention and effort on this matter are highly appreciated. Please keep reminding your children that, do not bring food and snacks into classrooms, and do not throw snack bags in the trash cans inside the classrooms to cause misunderstanding. And please sharp your children’ pencils before coming to school, so they are able to focus on the learning and won’t leave pencil debris in the classrooms.

        Following we have a few announcements regarding to our school activities:

1. 2012 NCLS Chinese New Year Celebration Announcement

Dear NCLS parents, teachers and students:

Happy holiday season!

New Year is around the corner. Newton Chinese School Event Committee invites all NCLS teachers, students and parents to join the preparation of the biggest annual event of our school– Chinese New Year Celebration. To celebrate the year of dragon, the event committee will organize two performances: an in-school celebration will take place on Sunday, February 5th, 2012 during the school hour; an out-school celebration performance will take place at the newly built Newton North High School from 7:00 to 9:30 pm on Saturday, February 11th, 2012.

All interested groups please submit your favorite program to the NCLS events committee (eventcommittee@newtonchineseschool.org). We start collecting program as early as today and the deadline of submitting the program is 12/30/2011. Please submit as early as your convenience.

Following is the required information when submitting a program:

Program type (节目 类型)
Duration ( 时间长度)
Performers (表演者)
Director (指导老师)
Program description (节目介绍)
Contact person name, email and phone number (联系人姓名,电话和电子邮件)

All the programs should be shorter than 5 minutes; some Chinese traditional program like 相声,小话剧,小表演 may allow longer duration. All submitted programs will be audited by NCLS event committee. The committee will decide on the acceptance and which celebration event the submitted program is accepted based on its quality and overall arrangement of the two performances. The final decision will be sent out on January 15, 2012.

To assist the audition of the submitted programs, you may choose to send us a CD, DVD, a link to the performance of your group, or arrange an audition with our committee members. All related materials should be received before January 8th, 2012.

Thank you for your support!

Event Committee

2. 教育事业和贫困学生受教育的计划活动



1. 资助中国贫困学生完成高中学业;

2. 让牛顿中文学校学生通过参与此项活动而受益;

3. 促进中美学生及文化的交流


志愿参加此一活动的同学, 请于12月31日前将报名表送达:




并CC 给倪继红: joanni2010@verizon.net

邮件SUBJECT 上务必注明:支教学生报名, XXX(为学生中, 英文姓名, 先中后英,如: 吴晓丹, Wu, Xiaodan )



3. December School Journal is available at http://www.newtonchineseschool.org/journal/current/2011-12.pdf


NCLS admin

1.  本周日的讲座:





2. 欢迎参加第二届NEEDHAM中国新年晚会!

You are welcome to 2nd Annual Needham Chinese New Year Celebration! Potluck, Kids game, raffle prizes including Kindle Reader, Adults Social and a Grand Performance Show! Pre-register before 12/18/11 Sunday to dongdong@wi.mit.edu suggested donation of $10 per family, $5 individual, Senior free. On the spot attendance will be asked for $15/family and $10/individual. Space limited, so please register soon and hope to see you there!”

Date and location:  1/14/2012 Saturday 5pm to 10pm at Pollard Middle School, 200 Harrison Ave, Needham.


日期和地点:1月14日晚5:00到10:00,Pollard Middle School, 200 Harrison Ave. Needham


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