NCLS Weekly Newsletter 10/27/2011

Dear NCLS parents:

    Newton municipal election is scheduled on Tuesday 11/8.  Our school has invited all the Newton School Committee candidates to attend our Newton School Committee Election Forum to be held this coming Sunday (10/30).  Please note Newton voters can vote all Newton School Committee candidates regardless which ward you reside in Newton.

    The forum will be held in the caferteria during the first class time (2:00-3:30 PM),  This is a good opportunity for our parents to listen to these candidates and share with them you concern for our children’s school education.  If you want learn more about these candidates, please watch their video self-introduction via the following link:  Click on the name and then the related video clip.

    To help our school better prepare for this forum, please send your specific questions or concerns for the Newton School Committee and/or any of these candidates the Forum coordinator, Anping Shen, at

    As we always emphasized, NCLS’s success is built on the support of its parents. Your participation of this event will not only help augment our school’s impact in the City of Newton, but also help improving the education system of this city and benefit our students. Please do your best to come to the forum.

   Thank you


Support Education Working Group

1)   Newton Chinese Language School Support Education Plan is starting its year 6th program. For the school year of 2011-2012, the working group has 22 members. They are: He,Ruipin; Chen,Hui; Ni,Jihong; Zhou,Jingping; Zhang,Jinming; Zhu,Weiyi; Guo,Yingjie; Guo,Xinxing; Ren,Jian; Li,Jiaqi; Wu,Xiaoyun, Yu,Xiaomei; Zi,Tong; Li,Mei; Zhao,Jie; Lin,Fei; Yu,Lan; Zhao,Jinzhen; Chen,Jing, Guo,Hongtao; Yao,Jian Hua and Zhou,Qionglin.

2)   School in China to be supported in this year is: Da Qiao Zhong Xue in Sichuan.

3)   For NCLS students registration, please contact Ni, Jihoing and Zhu, Weiyi at and Please go the school website to download the registration form.

4)   If you are willing to be an adult leader for this program to China, please contact Gao,Yingjie and Li,Mei at and Please go the school web site to read the qualifications for adult leaders.

5)   If you would like to recommend schools in China to be supported in year 2012-2013 and the future, please contact Zi,Tong and Zhou,Qionglin at and Please read the requirements for the schools in China on school web site.

6)   We will run the following fundraising events for this year’s program:  one talent show, two book fairs, two days’ yard sale and a dance party.

7)   The talent show will be held on Sunday, November 13th at school auditorium. Please click here to download registration form.

8)   If you have any question or suggestion about this program, please contact Zhou, Qionglin at and for more information about this program, please go the school web site.

MBA培训班第十二期即将开始 !

你是否想知道自己是否有创业的可能, 具有创业的基础知识并在创业中成长?
你是否想超越自我,发掘自己全部的潜力, 经营自己最大的优势而创立一个成功的事业?
你是否想拥有独到的经济眼光, 敏锐的市场嗅觉,在日益 变小的世界中, 占有自己的一席之地?
你是否想全面了解企业运作, 市场动向, 经营模式,管理方法?
你是否想重新审视,认识自己的价值, 提升自己在工作上的影响力从而成为一个备受欢迎的高级企业员工?
你是否想学习和掌握自我管理, 团队管理和企业管理的知识与验?
随着中国市场经济的崛起, 国力的提升, 全球市场一体化,你是否想回国创缔自己的企业?

机会就在眼前!未雨绸缪, 为自己添一份自信, 多一份Control, 留一个备份!无论在经济上升还是下滑时, 都能最大程度地实现自我。使自己永立不败之地。

学员超过300人, 均感受益匪浅
浓缩MBA课程, 涵盖中西商管精华
BOSTON著名教授授课, 双语教学
与国内企业家互动,获得商机, 迅速融入历届毕业生网络, 成为OCEAN终身会员
学费合理, 物超所值 (可抵税,可申请麻州 Workforce Training Funds)

机会不容错过!!!  为了更成功的事业,  更精彩的人生,  请查询我们的招生信息:   Tel: 617.919.0199   Email:

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