Dear Parents:
You received this newsletter because you are registered NCLS member.
-Classroom room rent
During the early April, NCLS principals had a meeting with Newton public school facility department, discussed the classroom rent fee. Since the various utility fee have been increased significantly, Newton public school committee decided to increase the classroom rent for all current clients annually until 2020, to cover this significant amount of increased expenses. The rent increase will be started from July 1, 2016.
For the current NCLS tuition, which has been used to cover mainly the classroom rent fee and the teacher’s stipend, can not cover the increased rent. In order to cover the increased gap, the school board has decided to increase a small percentage of the tuition from 2016 – 2017 school year.
Another thing, for the gym usage, the school used to allow parents play basketball and ping pong for free, but from the next school year, all parents who are going to play at gym need to pay certain amount of fee. All these money will be used to cover gym rent fee.
The detail information will be posted later.
If you have any questions regarding to the rent increase, you can stop by the library.
-TA Application
The application of TA for the next school year already started, if you or your kid has interest, please submit the application form to Tian Yi Lao shi ( as early as possible. You can get the form either from school or download from the following link.
The general requirements for student TA, 15 years old, students graduated from NCLS preferred but not mandatory. According to school rule, if your kid already did two school years TA, you can not apply for again. If you are current TA with the less than two years term, and would like to do it next school year, you need to re-submit the application from. (新学生TA的要求:年满15岁,本校学生优先。请到学校领申请表。已经在本学校担任两年TA的原则上不能继续申请TA, 在中文学校做TA不满两年的学生,如果想继续做TA,必须重新申请。表格到学校领。)
Any questions regarding to TA application, please stop by library and talk with Tian Yi lao shi. (
-National Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
Congratulations to all of the following NCLS students who participated and were selected as the finalist of the 2016 (25th) national youth Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition hosted by Foundation for Chinese Performing and Arts(中華表演藝術基金會).
There are a total of 238 entries (Brush Painting 208, Calligraphy 60) submitted by 29 different Chinese Schools, arts studios, and individuals from 8 states (CA, CT, GA, HI, MA, NJ, TX, WA) The images of the 67 winners’ art works will be posted on website at: around June 1, 2016.
第25屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽,4月23日經朱蓉、陸惠風、鍾耀星、馬清雄、謝茵、林浩宗、鍾耀星、方正厚 7位評委,三小時的精挑細選反覆審查,己由全部 238件作品中選出67件 金銀銅佳作等得獎作品,將獲獎金獎狀。本次參賽作品來自﹔紐澤西州、加州、夏威夷州、德州、康州、佐治亞州、華盛頓州、及麻州等8州,29所中文學校、書畫學苑及個人。全部參賽作品,包括國畫208件,書法60件,將紐頓市僑教中心 的大廳四週、前廳及前後走廊全部貼滿。主辦單位中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵表示,今年的作品素質又明顯提昇,尤其是書法組,件件精彩,美不勝收。評委雖都是專業行家, 法眼取捨之間也頗為難。今年也依往例,將入圍者名單公佈,鼓勵各地學生,百尺竿頭更進一步。譚嘉陵並期望各校老師家長勉勵學生,以參與為重,不要對是否得獎過份在意,以發揚中華文化的精髓,學習傳統中國國畫及書法共勉之。 67幅得獎作品經裝裱展出後,將在6月1日前後放上網頁 明年仍是同一時間舉行,希望大家踴躍參加。
國畫乙組 (10-13 歲)
1, Helen Xiao 肖冰之, 入圍獎
2, Meiling Zhao 赵美翎, 入圍獎
3, Mimi Yuexiao Yang杨月潇, 入圍獎
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Finalist入圍獎 .)
4, Yiqi Jin 金奕琦,入圍獎
5, Stephanie Yu虞陽洋, 入圍獎
6, Angela Lai 賴伊琳, 入圍獎
7, Rachael Wei 魏洛馨, 入圍獎
國畫丙組 (14-17歲)
8, Erik Zou邹奕鍇, 入圍獎
書法乙組 (10-13 歲)
9, Ivy Guo 郭家婧, 佳作獎 (Her second piece of calligraphy was also chosen as Finalist入圍獎 .)
Brush Painting: Hochung Lam林浩宗 , and Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵
Calligraphy: Zhenghou Fang 方正厚
-NCLS Alumni News
Great News! NCLS alumni, William Wang (汪维廉)has been awarded as the 2016 U.S. Presidential Scholars due to his outstanding performance. This award is granted to only two outstanding students each state every year. The winners will go to white house in June to receive award from US president. Congratulations!
-Community News
-2016 CSTAR”飞渡”青少年科学展接受报名
1) 登陆bostoncstar.org报名。本次活动无需缴纳报名费,但是项目材料花费由各家庭自付。
2) 队员及年龄:小学生为主。两个或两个以上为一队。
3) 教练:家长自教。尽量组成以家庭为单位的队伍。
4) 准备时间: 每周1-1.5小时,2周~6周,视项目复杂程度而定。
5) 展览日期:第一次:2016年6月19日,星期天下午。第二次:2016年9月(待定)
Li and Ming