NCLS Weekly Newsletter 26-Feb-2015

Dear Parents:

After two weeks break, hope all of you had a enjoyable and relaxed time. The school will resume this coming Sunday 3/1. Please drive safely to school.

Due to snow day cancellation and winter break, our in school Chinese New Year performance will be moved to 3/15, please coordinate with your child’s teacher if your child’s class has performance.

2015 Yard Sale

The annual craft fair/yard sale will be held in NCLS on Sunday, March 22, 2015.  This year’s craft fair include a yard sale, bake sale and will add art exhibition.  The items are sold based on what you want to pay except those labeled with specific price.   All proceeds go to 2015 Support Education Program (支教).  Unsold items will go to local charities/churches.
Business owners can register booths to conduct businesses at the yard sale(one day only). The registration fees will go to the Support Education Project, while business profits belong to owners.
Please check the attachment for details. If you still have any questions please contact 郁晓梅 at

时间:二零一五年三月二十二日,1:30pm  –  5:00pm
地点:F. A. Middle School 餐厅 (NCLS)
捐赠各种使用过的,但仍然有价值的艺术品,装饰品,日常生活用品,陶瓷器具,电子产品,衣物鞋帽,玩具,儿童书籍,厨房用具,运动用品, 光碟,录像带,  或其他。请将捐赠物标上你的估价,送到 F. A. Day Middle School 餐厅, 由我们的工作人员卖出去。所得额全部交 NCLS支教项目。未售出的物件送去慈善机构。
欢迎商家摆摊设点。注册费将归 NCLS 支教项目,营业利润则属于业主。详情请联系郁晓梅 at

Speech Competition

Our annual Speech Competition is around the corner.  Please read the following competition description carefully as the competition format has been revised from previous years.

今年的比赛分为演讲比赛朗诵比赛两部分。根据美东中文学会(ACS)和新英格兰中文学会(NEACS)的规定,参加演讲比赛的稿件必须是根据学会规定的题目自己所写。今年的主题为《学中文》朗诵比赛可 选用他人的作品。所有比赛的时间在2:30 到3:00 之间。任何低于或超过这个时间都将被扣除一定的分数。校内比赛报名截止日为3月8日。比赛日期目前定于3月22,29日两日。如果报名人数较多4月5日宜 可作为比赛日。学校将选出7名具有丰富教学经验的中文课老师组成比赛裁判组。有关比赛的具体事宜学校会在报名截止后通知参赛学生的家长

Please note that in the future, all ACS speech competition only have 演讲比赛, no 朗诵比赛.  However, NEACS will still have both.

Same as previous years, the competition will be separated into age groups:

低年級組(六至八歲)    中年級組(九至十一歲)   高年級組(十二至十六歲)

If you are interested to sign your child to the competition, please go to this link to download the registration form.  Please note there are two forms:  演讲比赛朗诵比赛.  You can register for both or just choose one. You can also get the forms in the school library. After you fill out the form, please submit to your child’s Chinese teacher.  Same as last year, all candidates for school competition will be selected by the class teachers.

See you this Sunday.

Ling and Li


Community News

– Seminar:   Tax/Financial Seminar Workshop     3:45-5:00 PM   Room 227

 欢迎您参加2015报税及财务讲座   (Tax Return Seminar)

 又到一年一度报税季节了,本次讲座将介绍基本报税常识并继续强调对纳税人有影响的投资收入税(NIIT3.8%,Medicare 0.9%),还将介绍奥巴马医改注意事项, 海外资产申报法案注意事项;我们应如何根据自己家庭收入与财务状况结合税法作出相应调整,并提出帮助各位合法降低税率实际有效之方法。由专业会计师秦琳,资深理财师苏宁/沈聪提供。欢迎各位出席!

–  北京同乡会联盟天津老乡 共庆中国新年 —-2015新春联欢会

岁月似水,时光如棱.. 不知不觉我们送走了2014, 迎耒了2015新春的到来. 挥之不去的记忆, 留之不住的年华, 伴随着思乡之情的绵绵细说,期昐那老乡见老乡的美好时刻…; 北京同乡会联手天津同乡共同邀请您和您的家人及朋友共度佳节, 分享快乐. 让我们欢聚一堂, 品味家乡小吃, 纵情放声歌唱. 共 祝新春快乐, 羊年吉祥!

新春联欢会时间:    2015, 2月28日. 周六, 下午12:00–4:30PM

 地点:   剑桥中文学校  (Cambridge Chinese School)

              411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, suite 214 

               Waltham, MA 02452

 内容:   午餐分享, 美食评比, 文艺表演, 自娛自乐

        备注:    本次活动由北京同乡会主办特邀天津朋友共聚一堂.

                     请您带上足够自家份量的午餐. 12:30正式开餐.

                    入场费: $5/个人; $10/Family .

联系人: 北京同乡会 赵进: Tel : 781-698-9061潘延 Tel : 617-559-0713

               天津老乡: 刘希纯: Tel: 781-861-3529


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