NCLS Weekly Newsletter 23-Oct-2014

Dear Parents:

We are approaching middle of the semester and the mid term exam is getting close.  In this week’s newsletter, we will post the review material for Zhongwen mid-term test(not for Ma Liping Chinese).  Also we would like to reiterate some issues that we had during the past weeks.  In addition, the first parent forum will be on this coming Sunday, hosted by two very experienced Chinese teachers. We are looking forward to having an discussion with parents on how to help kids learn Chinese at home.

I. Middle Term Exam Review (Zhongwen 1st-10th grade). Please print out a copy at home and bring to the review class.  The school will not make copies for review material.

II. Fire Alarm:

This past Sunday, we had another false fire alarm incident which are believed to be done by one of our student. This is the second similar incident happened in less than two months. This has not only interrupted our normal school life, but will also cause monetary penalty to our school due to frequent false alarm. Even worse, NCLS may be forced to move out of the Day school if similar things happen again and again. After talking to the Newton fire department yesterday, we found out that someone pulled the fire alarm right outside room 210 on second floor, outside the gym. We hope all parents, students and all school staff pay more attention to avoid the similar things happen again:

1.  Please talk to your child again regarding the fire alarm and tell them not to touch any fire alarm at the school hallway.  If a child pull the alarm either by accident or intentionally without a true fire, the parent will bear the monetary penalty and other probable consequence.

2. We will assign two parents on duty to watch the fire alarm on each floor to make sure no one touch the alarm. In the meantime, we will put a sign on top of the alarm to make sure people not to touch it without noticed fire.

Thanks for your cooperation and patience at the fire evacuation. We noticed that people exited the building quickly and orderly.  However, there are two areas that we need to pay attention:

1. There were still quite a lot of people standing close to the exit doors. Newton fire department warned us that for people who exited door 3, 4 and 5, no one should stand in the driveway or close to the building as it will block the fire engine. All should retreat to the sports field behind the building.

2. We noticed that there were couple of parents went back to the building either for their children or for their personal belongings while everyone else was exiting the building. This is absolutely not acceptable. During a fire evacuation, everyone should exit the building immediateley. If your child was not with you in the building during the fire alarm, our staff will escort them out as each floor will be cleared.

For you and your family’s safety, please follow our school’s emergency procedure.

III. Parking

We had pointed out this issue many times and hope everybody understand why NCLS only allow cars with teacher parking permit park around the building. However, we found quite a few parents drove into school and parked their cars  in front of the school building between the gap when there were no traffic control parents  on duty. Last week, the illegal parking blocked the fire trucks’ driveway. In order to avoid these illegal parking, Newton police will patrol more frequently and issue the tickets to the cars that park in front of the building illegally.

IV. Parent Forum

In an effort to strengthen the communication between parents and teachers, our school planned a series of parent forum.  The first forum will be for k-3 grades parents and the topic will focus on how to help kids learn Chinese at home.  The forum will be hosted by two very experienced teachers, Ms. Ruiyun Wang 王瑞云老师 and Ms. Xiaodong Zhao 赵肖东老师.  A previous NCLS principal, Ms. Wang has been teaching at NCLS for 35 years and earned great reputation in Chinese teaching.  She has also served in executive and leadership positions with the New England Chinese Teacher Workshop for eight years. Ms. Wang presently teaches at Brookline School Staff Children Center.  A previous NCLS board member, Ms. Zhao earned her master in Early Childhood Education.  She has been teaching Chinese at the top Private School Winsor School for over 15 years.  The forum is on this Sunday at room 325 from 3:40-5:00pm.  Hope to see many parents there.

V. The 3rd Annual Writing Contest is under the way.  Please submitted the writing ASAP.  Here is the link for detailed info:

We hope to see more writing works from students this year.

VI.  As the weather getting colder and people stay inside more, virus tends to spread faster.  With the flu season coming, we would like to remind all parents that it’s important to keep a child with tempreture at home.  Thank you all for helping to keep our school a safe and healthy learning environment.

See you on Sunday.

Ling and Li

Community News

1. NCLS will have seminar this coming Sunday (10/26/2014 ) from 3:45pm to 5:00pm at Room 227. The speaker is:  Adam Schwartz, Ph. D. the topic:  Writing a Winning College Application Essay

This Presentation and workshop will provide students with strategies for writing a compelling and authentic college application essay. Students can bring drafts that are at any stage of the process, from some preliminary brainstorming to nearly completed essays.  We’ll look at the techniques that can be most helpful for each stage of the writing process.

Adam Schwartz taught writing at Harvard and Wellesley for twenty-five years. At Wellesley, he served on the board of Admissions and has a thorough understanding of the college admission’s process.

For more info, please contact Mr. Adam Schwartz

or visit website

Here is a link to an article he has in  Newton Tab about writing a successful college application essay:

2. 12/5 天使舞蹈艺术团(Angel Dance Company)  应邀赴NBA中场演出大型舞蹈!   2014圣诞节期间,波士顿天使舞蹈团(Angel Dance Company) 将受Boston Celtics的邀请,参加12月5日著名NBA球队波士顿凯尔特人队 (Boston Celtics)和洛杉矶湖人队( Boston Celtics VS LA Lakers)的比赛中场大型演出!著名华裔球星Jeremy Lin将参加此赛!美丽的天使们将为2队加油喝彩!

据天使舞团的团长克可介绍到:我们很高兴和荣幸受到Boston Celtics 的热情邀请将参加这场隆重的NBA蓝球赛演出!几周前刚和我的团队应邀到Celtics总部正式签约。目前,全团演职人员正在精心的准备和排练当中。此次演出的大型舞蹈《舞动的青春》,无论在服装的色彩和艺术造型上,还是在舞蹈的编排和气势上都下了很大的功夫,新颖独特。舞蹈老师刘毅锋及天使45名舞蹈公司团员将参加这个演出,庞大的阵容,震撼的音乐,希望能通过此活动将我们的精彩舞蹈呈现给更多的观众朋友们。演绎出我们华裔年轻舞者们的青春风采!

届时天使舞蹈艺术团将在NBA的赛场上再次舞出绚丽多彩的中国风!观众们也将在紧张的比赛中场时欣赏到高水准的舞蹈节目。我们期待这场Boston Celtics VS LA Lakers 的比赛和波士顿天使舞团的精彩演出!

Great Angel Group Tickets Rate:$40-Balcony Seats, $90-Loge Seats. Group discount will end this weekend Sunday Oct 26.

Contact: 617-230-3854, Email :


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