NCLS Weekly Newsletter 27-Feb-2014

Dear parents,

Welcome back to Newton Chinese School this Sunday 3/2. We hope all had a enjoyable and restful winter break.  We will watch on the snow this weekend.  If there is need to cancel the school on Sunday, we will send out notice before 10am; otherwise, we will see you in school.

We have a few reminders for you:

1. Speech contest:

NCLS 2014 Speech Contest will take place on 3/23 and 4/6.  If you are interested to sign up your child for the contest, please fill up the form and submit to your Chinese teacher as soon as possible.   Please see the details of the contest in this link:

2. Fundraising Yard Sale:

The annual fundraising yard sale for Support Education Project will be held in NCLS on March 9, 2014.  Here is link for the yard sales flyer:

3. Fundraising Dance Party

The NCLS support China education project fundraising event – Dance Party

When: Saturday, March 15, 2014 7:00pm – 11:00pm

Where: Hyde Community Center  90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highland, MA 02461.

Ticket:  $12 per person

We welcome all NCLS parents, teachers and your friends to join this meaningful event. Tickets are available on Sunday 3/2 and 3/9 at school library and at the door on Saturday,  3/15, the party day.    Thanks for your great support!

4. February’s School Journal is online here:

See you in school,

Guangsong and Ling


波士顿河南同乡会 将於3月8日2014年举办马年新春联欢会 

河南同乡会38日下午6:00PM在剑桥中文学校举办2014年马年新春联欢会。联欢会活动内容将包括才艺表演, 特色河南家乡风味食品品尝和有奖评比。联欢会上我们还将在现场制作据有家乡风味的手工水饺与到会朋友分享。还请各位朋友带上足够量的拿手佳肴, 除了够自己家人晚餐外, 再与大家分享和参加有奖比赛。
河南同乡会提供基本音响设备及提供适量的饮料等。诚请各位河南老乡邀请您的亲朋好友一起参加联欢会及所有的娱乐活动,品尝河南风味佳肴, 也邀请所有与河南的山水,文化旅游,男女老少有情有缘有兴趣的朋友们来与我们共同联欢。
此次活动收费:成人$10,或家庭$20;孩子和65岁以上老人免费。 未带食品的个人或家庭请视个人能力自动酌情捐款。
欢迎商界人士积极赞助此次活动。有意者请与组织者联系 (张伟, 734-355-9682).联欢会将提供赞助的个人和商家5分钟的时间与到会的朋友做个人或商业介绍。
如遇特殊原因更改联欢会日期,届时请查看波士顿生活网: 或电话咨询 张伟 (734-355-9682)。
地址:剑桥中文学校 (Cambridge Chinese School)
411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, suite 214
Waltham, MA 02452
电话: 781-788-8558
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