NCLS Weekly Newsletter on 03-May-2013

 Dear NCLS parents:

The NewtonSERVES project has been a big success last week. The NCLS Board Chairman and members, as well as our PCC, NCLS Admin and the students from the 2013 Support Education Team, have strive the four hours to complete the painting and yard works for the Day School. Many thanks for their effort and generosity!

We have the following notes for you this week-

NCLS 儿童民族舞班 获第六届新英格兰地区中华舞蹈比赛团体组第二名

Congratulations to黄语红老师 and her students from the Children’s Chinese Folk Dance class! They won the second place award in the Sixth New England Chinese Dance Competition sponsored by the American Chinese Art Society on April 13.

Rules in the school library

Please do not remove the books from the bookshelves in the library.

Please do not turn on the computers or disconnect any of the cables and cords.

Please put the chairs back to the place after using them.

Please keep your voice down when playing cards.

These rules are fundamental to make the library a shareable space for our school. Thank you for following the rules.


Our journal editor has been working very hard to make the school journal an efficient communication platform. Please provide feedback by filling in this brief online survey. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

Update on the registration process for the Fall 

The detailed registration procedure and policy will be published in two weeks.

Seminar in school

Topic: Parenting in America: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

This 90-minute presentation will offer an overview of the central values that have shaped key American institutions such as the family and education system. Participants will compare and contrast American beliefs, values and attitudes with those of their culture of origin. Parents will leave with a better understanding of why children growing up in America may be caught between two worlds, and how to meet the challenge of parenting in America.

Speaker:Jessica Bethoney
is a professor of American Culture at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston.
Time: 3:40 pm —  5:00 pm
Room: 319


The performance is on 5/14/2013 7:30pm at John Hancock Hall, Boston. The free tickets are available in the school library on Sunday. 

Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Nan and Guangsong

NCLS Principals 2012-2013


为方便牛顿中文学校家长办理回国探亲签证,Aileen Travel李亦鸣女士(舞蹈班学生) 将于5月连续三周在校内协助家长代办签证业务并届时会给与特殊优惠。家长们不需出校门,在两星期内即可拿到签证!

2013年5月 5日 (星期天): 4:15pm – 5:00pm

2013年5月12日(星期天): 4:15pm – 5:00pm
2013年5月19日(星期天): 4:15pm – 5:00pm

受理/取件地点:NCLS Cafeteria



1. Application form ( 共四页,一定要打印,不可手写)
2. One photo (六个月内的近照)

3. Valid passport (有效期最好在两年以上)
4. Previous Chinese visa copy (旧签证复印件)
5. 邀请人出示的邀请信 (有样本提供)
6. 邀请人的身份证影印件 (正面即可)

李亦鸣的联系方式: 电话:617-325-6714 or 617-710-2987 cell (可发短信) Email:

舞剧《绣娘》5月26日 晚7:30 (星期日), John Hancock Hall


演出时间:2013年5月26日 晚7:30 (星期日)

地点:John Hancock Hall,180 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116<BR>票价:$25–$65(10人以上团体票10%优惠)



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