Dear NCLS parents:
We do have school this Sunday. Please be aware that the next no-school day is Feb. 10, 2013, which is the Chinese New Year!
Tickets are available for sale for NCLS 2013 Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration
The NCLS 2013 CNY celebration performance is on Feb. 16, 2013 in Regis College. Tickets are available for purchase on Sunday in the library. The price is $5 per person.
Yard Sale Announcement for the Support China Education program
The annual fundraising yard sale for Support Education Project will be held in NCLS at the Day Middle School Cafeteria on March 10, 2013. We welcome all NCLS families to participate in this meaningful event. Please donate items for the yard sale and label your items with your suggested prices. In addition, please bring some pocket money to buy things from the yard sale. When you buy items at very reasonable prices, you also support some disadvantaged young kids to complete their high school education in China. All yard sale items will be sold at customer prices (means you price the items yourself) except labeled items. Business owners can register booths to conduct businesses at the yard sale(one day only). The registration fees will go to the Support Education Project, while business profits belong to owners. If you have any questions, please contact 郁晓梅 at and 陈卉 at
Spring semester starts on Jan. 27
The Spring semester starts on next Sunday. Tuition payments are due on the first day of the Spring term on Jan. 27. Please make the payment sooner rather than later to avoid the late payment fee.
Two new classes are offered in the first class period
武术拳击健身 Martial Art, 李广辉教练执教
成人瑜珈 Adult Yoga, 陈静老师执教
Final exam for 《中文》classes
All of the 《中文》classes are have the Fall semester final exams this Sunday. The Download-able review materials have been included in the Principals’ Weekly Newsletter last week. Please help our students to prepare for the exam at home. Good luck to them!
中華表演藝術基金會精彩演出“玄門步虛” 音樂會新聞稿.doc
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Nan and Guangsong
NCLS Principals 2012-2013
中華表演藝術基金會將於新年二月二日星期六晚上八點,在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) 由擁有”中國管樂四大金剛”之稱的包鍵、胡建兵、陳濤、及郭雅志,聯合精彩演出“玄門步虛” 音樂會。同台更有紐約北美中樂團數位國際知名演奏家聯合演出。是一場結合道教與佛教音樂,極為特殊的音樂會。音樂會前6:30-7:30為曲目解釋及討論。北美中樂團兩年前在波士頓喬登廳首演 “荒漠錦堂曲”-“智化寺古音樂”深受好評。這次將演出道教音樂代表作 “集賢賓”、 “返魂香” 、” 种种无名”等及佛教音樂『智化寺古音樂曲』套曲。
喬登廳票房: 617-585-1260