NCLS Weekly Newsletter 2/09/2012

Dear NCLS parents:

        Although it was packed with many activities, the first day of Spring, 2012 went by smoothly. We want to thank the cooperation of many NCLS families by arranging their children’s classes in advance and sending in the tuition on time. Those practices really help reducing the traffic in the library and the line of waiting. For families that have not paid the tuition, please make the payment as soon as possible. For the late fee, please refer to NCLS tuition policy (

        Last Sunday, we had a very successful in school CNY celebration performance. Congratulations to all the teachers, students and parents who participated this event. Particularly, we want to thank the members of school admin, NCLS event committee and PCC who organized this event. The performance has been well organized, and the whole program has been run seamlessly. The sound system was excellent and the decoration was beautiful. Mr. David Fleisher, the superintendent of City of Newton, attended this performance and was very impressed. Job well done!

        This Saturday, Februrary 11, 2012, our out-school CNY celebration will take place at the auditorium of newly built Newton North High School (457 Walnut Street, Newton, MA 02460). Please use this link to access to the program brochure ( ). The organizers are working very hard to put together this show. We look forward to another successful celebration performance.

Thank you,

Yongqi and Nan

1. Lexington election:

Weidong Wang is running for Lexington Housing Authority and Town Meeting Member in Lexington’s town election in March 6. He is the first Chinese American to run a town wide position in Lexington and would like to get all the support from Lexington Chinese community.

If you are a Lexington resident who can vote but have never voted before, be sure to register to vote by 2/15 by going to Lexington Town Clerk office. For all voters in Lexington, be sure to vote on March 6.

 2. World  Dance Workshop

When:  February 20-24, 2012   9:00am-5:00pm

Newton or Waltham
Dance Fever Studio@200 Wells Ave  Newton MA 02459 
738 Main Street Waltham MA 02451
Age requirements: 6 years old and up

Half day free try on Feb. 20 9:00am-12:00pm.  Please email to or call 617.956.2084 providing the following info. if interested

3.  浙大校友新春联谊会


我们曾经都毕业于美丽的西子湖畔,现又都相聚在地球另一边北美的名城波士顿。 这不能不说是一种缘份。 近些年来,越来越多的浙大人来波士顿学习和工作。虽然同处这个通讯高度发达的历史名城,但许多新老校友之间的沟通与交流却还是非常的有限。这在很大程度上浪费了许多潜在的宝贵校友资源和机会,限制了校友人际网络的扩大和职业空间的拓展。这次新春联谊会,就是要为在大波士顿地区的浙大校友提供一个广阔的交流信息与合作平台,扩大交际范围,增进新老校友之间了解,共叙校友友情,延续校友情谊。



2.  点击链接:



活动时间:2012年2月18号 (星期六) 5:30pm—9:30pm

活动地点:剑桥中文学校 ( 411 Waverley Oaks Rd, Building #2, Suite 214,Waltham, MA )



在线注册截止日期:2011年2月15号 12:00pm

费用:在线注册 ($10);现场注册 ($12)

小孩 (10岁及以下)半价, 有Pizza供应


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