Dear NCLS parents:
As we entering the third school week, we heard a lot of nice feedbacks about our students from the teachers. We are very excited about the progress our students are making. Please continue encouraging your child’s Chinese learning. Their hard working is definitely noticed at classroom by their teachers.
Meanwhile, the feedbacks from Day Middle School remain positive. It is quite an accomplishment considering the size of our school. We want to thank all the teachers, TAs and PCC members for their hard working. Also we want to thank you for your cooperation. Please remain vigilant about NCLS school policies and rules, and keep reminding your child and your fellow parents about those rules.
For students taking math 4 and 5 classes, all of our math workbooks arrived last Monday and all the remaining workbooks, including workbook B, have been distributed to the students in those classes. Since workbook B for grade 4 and 5 classes won’t be needed until next semester, please make sure that your child keeps it in a safe place.
In the beginning of each school year, NCLS reserves with Newton Police Department on all of the Sundays whenever it’s a school day, to ensure that a police officer is coming to conduct traffic control. However, there are occasions when the police department is too busy to send an officer to NCLS. On those occasions, we would like to remind parents who perform traffic control NOT to stop the traffic. We would recommend parents on duty to direct our students and parents instead. Please stop parents and students when there is traffic on the road; let them pass when the road is clear of traffic.
It will be a school day on this Sunday October 2nd. There will be no-school on Sunday October 9th for the Columbus Day holiday observation.
Thank you, and see you on Sunday!
Yongqi and Nan
1. Celebration of 62nd Anniversary of PRC at Boston City Hall
The ceremony of raising national flag will be held in Boston City Hall to celebrate 62nd Anniversary of People’s Republic of China on October 1st, 2011. You, your families and your friends are cordially welcomed to join the event.
Place: BostonCity Hall,Boston, MA
Time: 11:30AM-1:00PM, Oct. 1 (Saturday), 2011
(Flag raising at 12:00 noon)
There will be art performances are before and after the flag rising. For more information, please contact Ms. May Lui (CPA) at 617-357-4499 or
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