First day Chinese class

Dear students and parents,


I strongly encourage the parents to attend the first half hour of the first day class. In addition to the teaching plan for the school year, we will discuss your expectations for your child as parents.  Together we will set up clear requirements to your child for her/his 9th grade Chinese learning accordingly.

Please open the link to my blog and read the contents for this class carefully;

In our first day class, we will start learning Lesson Two: 中秋之夜. “海上生明月,天涯共此时。” 9月8日将迎来一年一度的中秋佳节。

If any of you still do not have your textbook, please print out paper copy of “pick up slip” in your account in NCLS Registration site and bring this form to the Library to get the textbook on Sunday.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and suggestions. The best time to contact me is Sunday morning 9 AM – 12 noon.

Wei Jian


请您与自己的孩子讲汉语,扩大她/他的词汇量! 您是他/她每天的中文老师.

教师: 蔚健;  助教: 张妍
Sunday: 2:00 – 3:30 PM
教室/Room 317

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