Monthly Archives: January 2017

第七课 “桂林山水” 辅助教材: 观赏电影 《刘三姐》

《刘三姐》外景:漓江两岸的桂林山水。影片根据广西僮族民间传说改编,是中国大陆第一部风光音乐故事片(1960年),  早于《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music)(1965年)。当年它在香港放映时曾和好莱坞打擂台,创造了连映数十天和至今无法突破的票房奇迹。 片中悦耳动听的歌声与美丽的桂林山水完美的融合在一起,为影片增添了独特的艺术魅力。请看高请版(中文字幕),

Purchase Official SAT Subject Test in Chemistry Study Guide (new)

This is an essential book for the students to prepare for their Chemistry SAT test in May or June of this year.  I will teach students with this book in April.  It is available now for pre -Order.  The students need to buy this book.

The Official SAT Subject Test in Chemistry Study Guide Stg Edition
This title will be released on March 7, 2017.
Pre order this book on Amazon would cost less than from the College Board directly.
ISBN-13: 978-1457309199
ISBN-10: 145730919X