中文 辅助教材 (必备): 每次上课和每次考试都要用

Dear 九年级甲班中文 students and parents,
All parents are welcome to the first class on September 8, so we can get to know each other and you have opportunity to meet the other parents and students.
Every student is required to have two items stated below.  Some of you may have different versions of 字典 and 地图.  Please make sure that your 字典 and 地图 have all the contents that I stated.  Also, it would not suitable if your地图 is small and/or in 拼音 or English 标示

For your convenience, I have asked NCLS administration to order them.  The total cost of the two items is $17.55.  请给学生准备好钱, 带到下周的第一节课.

辅助教材 (必备):  每次上课和每次考试都要用.

《汉英双解新华字典》 (必须汉英双解, 汉语拼音, 附录有中国行政区, 少数民族, 历代朝代, 度量衡, 等); $11.70/本
《中华人民共和国地图》 (必须中文标示, 所有临国国界及附近海域); $5.85/张
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.
The best time to reach me is Sunday morning 9 Am to 12 noon.
I welcome your phone call which is more personal and direct way to communicate. 

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