Longfellow Tennis & Health Club 今年再次捐赠室内比赛场地。12月14、15 & 21日 @ 6:30pm – 10pm,又一次高手齐集,全面开赛。男女单打、双打、混双,以及青少年单打、双打,精彩纷呈,爱心满场!
你的参与不可或缺!速速扫码或点击链接报名: https://forms.gle/rDs6LoiWp5YzcuWE6
Longfellow Tennis & Health Club 今年再次捐赠室内比赛场地。12月14、15 & 21日 @ 6:30pm – 10pm,又一次高手齐集,全面开赛。男女单打、双打、混双,以及青少年单打、双打,精彩纷呈,爱心满场!
你的参与不可或缺!速速扫码或点击链接报名: https://forms.gle/rDs6LoiWp5YzcuWE6
牛顿中文学校支教项目第19届才艺达人秀将于周日12/15 @ 2-5pm/Newton F A Day Schoo礼堂举行,欢迎报名参加。表演注册链接如下:https://forms.gle/JpHhLAmqF1kY4eaL8
NCLS Support Education Program (SEP) has been running for 17 years. Teachers, parents and SEP students lead various fundraising events, such as bake sale, talent show, tennis tournament, culture fair, dance party, yard sale etc. to raise funds for underprivileged students. During COVID-19, Newton Chinese Language School SEP team made significant efforts to continue supporting educators and students in China and also made great impact in our local communities.
We welcome NCLS students 8th grade and above to join the SEP team for 2024-2025.
Please click the link to sign up:
NCLS SEP 中国行活动再次开启!今春4月将是第14次赴中国高中进行支教文化交流活动。17年来的坚持不懈, 疫情期间也没有停摆。首次培训于2月11日,中国农历新春佳节大年初二晚,与美国职业橄榄球🏉赛超级碗之夜同步进行,团建活动氛围融洽,为今春的中国行写下了美好的开篇。第14届支教募捐舞会将于3月23日7-10pm在Todos Dance & Fitness Studio in Natick 举办!欢迎来参加舞会,感谢大家的关爱和支持!
第18届牛顿中文学校支教才艺表演的舞台将为你开放,灯光将为你点亮,我们衷心期待你的闪亮登场,展现才艺,挥洒风采!还犹豫什么,赶紧点击链接(https://forms.gle/jKzNXVmWExf3U4fi6) 或海报扫码报名参加。
Show Time: December 10, 2023 @ 2-5pm @ FA Day School Auditorium
第10届牛顿中文学校支教慈善网球赛将于10/29晚7-10pm,11/4晚 8-10pm以及11/5晚 7:30-10:00pm在Longfellow Tennis & Health Club, Wayland MA 举行。
本次比赛的室内场地全部由Longfellow 网球俱乐部捐赠。本次比赛分为10个项目:
女子单打,女子双打,男子单打(A组 B组)男子双打(A组 B组),混双,青少年男单,青少年女单,青少年双打。
报名时间: 10月22日截止。比赛签表10/25号公布。
1)Jackie Zhou (周津平) 617-538-4318,jackiejpzhou@yahoo.com
2) Jianqing Luo (罗剑青) tel 617.957.6354, jianqing.luo@gmail.com
Good news! The Newton Chinese School SEP Talent Show is back! Welcome all students and friends to sign up and participate enthusiastically.
Please click the link https://forms.gle/u7StdfSkBTsFdJQR8 to sing up the performance registration form before 11/30/2022, this link will be disabled after the deadline.
2021-2022 will be the 16th year for Support Education Program (SEP) in NCLS. The program runs an annual talent show to raise funds to support underprivileged students around the world, mainly in China. Under the current Covid-19 environment, this year’s Talent show will be ON-LINE and expanded to include the traditional on-stage performances; art exhibits such as drawing, photographing, and calligraphy; and cooking, baking, and other artful work products. Performances or art exhibits can be submitted via prerecorded video, picture or PPT. The submissions will be presented together with the live performances during the talent show. The entire talent show proceeds will be designated to SEP. Please join us to show your talents, artful hobbies, adventures during Covid-19, and support a great cause!
Please submit the performance registration form before 11/30/2021. This link will be disabled after the deadline.
请在2021年11月30日前注册您或您所在团体的节目,2021 NCLS Talent Show Registration form (google.com) 逾期此链接将不生效。
We are excited to bring back our annual charity fund raising tennis event after a brief pause last year due to COVID. Tennis players of all levels are welcome to participate. All proceeds will go toward the Newton Chinese School 2021 – 2022 Support Education program (16th Year) supporting the education needs of underprivileged students in rural China and greater Boston area. To find out more about the Support Education Program at NCLS, go to http://blog.newtonchineseschool.org/supportchinaeducation/
Tournament Detail is as follows: