SAT math Week 8: Constructing models

lilijia Post in SAT math
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Lesson Review:

  1. Midterm Exam Paper Review
  2. Page 57, Problem 3n: Isolate the variables
  3. Chapter 7: Constructing Models
    Note the difference between linear function, quadratic function, and exponential functions;
    Note the increasing/decreasing (the slopes, the trend of lines)
    Note the rate of change (quickly: steeper lines, |slope|is greater; slowly: |slope| is smaller). || means absolute values.


  1. Midterm Exam Paper Correction (Use different colors)
  2. Page 57, Problem 3n+1: Isolate the variables
  3. Chapter 7: Constructing Models Chapter Exercise (Page 47-49)

Look forward to seeing you on 11/10.

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